Tue 20.Apr.2010
Ptuj, Slovenia

Zadar - the ancient capital of Croatia.
small motor yacht, island in distanceblocky apartment buildings behind higway sign
Still reporting on Zadar, even though I'm really in Slovenia now.

Just for the record, the whole town is not picturesque. In fact, most of it is your basic tacky modern city, as you can see from this view from in front of the train station. At least all the parts I saw were clean and safe enough.

glagolitic script surrounding a coat of arms, painted on a wallcorrugated shack
I think I have mentioned the glagolitic alphabet before. The first attempt at an alphabet for slavic languages.

It only really caught on among Croatians, so the inventors went back to the drawing board and came up with the cyrillic alphabet, which did catch on among the Orthodox christian peoples.

Anyway, this rune-based alphabet is still used for symbolic occasions in Croatia. I think it is fascinating, even though I do not understand stroke one of it. This sample is painted on a wall in the new part of town. Your guess is as good as mine what it is about.

placard in shop window, depicting skeletal toy animals close-up: "Dead animals need love too."
Speaking of "go figure"s, how about this poster in a toy store window in a shopping mall?

Gross? Expansively compassionate? Stealth Grateful Dead?

Ya pays yr money and ya takes yr choice.

default alt textdefault alt text young girl on playground equipment
Here is the very mall in question.

Attached is an area with  coffee for grown-ups  and playground stuff for kids.

crew shells on inner harbordefault alt textdefault alt text This waterway separates the old city on its little peninsula, from the modern city on the "mainland". That bridge is pedestrians only, thank you.

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On the busiest tourist square, at least one cafe enforces its customers only policy on the rest rooms!

The punchline is that the code is the one from Spaceballs: 12345!

You couldn't make this stuff up.

"Hey, that's the same code I've got on my luggage!"

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