Mon 17.Jul.2017
Yorkshire, UK

Today we combine two day trips to the North Yorkshire hinterlands.
Thanks to my splendid hosts for knowing where to go, getting me there, and providing excellent company.
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I have no recollection where this reflection in a North Yorkshire Puddle took place.

Pickering railway station played the role of Hogwarts Station in the movies.

The Moors
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The Saracens never made it from Spain up to England, so there are no Yorkshire Saracens. But there definitely are Yorkshire Moors! This crater-like formation has the colorful name Hole of Horcum, which to an old comics fan sounds like Dr Strange's Fangs of Farallah on a bad day.

I never realized just how, well... bleak the English moors can look. Didn't manage to capture it in a picture, either. I will have a whole new appreciation for the atmospherics when I read moor mysteries now.

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If there is a more postcard-perfect scenic view in the UK than Knaresborogh from the edge of its castle grounds, I'll leave it for somebody else to find.

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On this day - and I gather most days in season - Knaresborough Castle comes with an honest-to-goodness licensed Queen's Ravener, and a handful of human-friendly ravens. Well, patient with humans, anyway. Amazingly, the ravener-lady is the mother of a co-worker of my friend Holly. Holly broke the ice, and we got to meet the birds.

"Said the black bird, 'Not again!'."
- Georges Perec, paraphrasing Poe without using any e's.

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Both of these signs stand by the same lawn at Knaresborough Castle. They do seem contradictory in spirit.

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Baby Disposal

Brimham Rocks! It Does!
It says so right there on a sign.
This area of oddball rock formations looks like a geological jungle gym.

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Ian giving Holly a hand up to the top of a stack of rock pancakes.

That is it for the second of four pages from the Shire of York.
Next up is a picturesque Misty Seaside Town.

Next: Whitby by the Sea
Prev: Old York, Old York -- Up: Table of Contents

All content copyright 2017 Jeff Bulf