Tue 03.Jul.2012
Venice, Italy

A few more views of Venice, for thems as can't get enough strolling around that pizzazzy place. If anything occurs to me to say about Bratislava so far, I'll have plenty of space on the page to do it.
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What little I have to say about Bratislava can wait. It feels way out of character to discuss Bratislava and show Venice. We'll get here soon enough.

Meanwhile, Imagine you have closed your eyes at the end of a day in Venice, and random visual moments are dancing on the inside of your eyelids.
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Towns up and down the Adriatic have buildings in this color and appearance. Guidebooks almost always describe those buildings as "Venetian style". There is a reason for that.

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A one-handed view from a moving water bus on the Canal Grande

OK, that is all I have to say or show on Italy for this round. An injustice to a large and colorful country, but there we are.
See you in Slovakia!

Next: Cordoba
Prev: Venezia -- Up: Table of Contents

Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf