Fri 06.Aug.2010
Trenčin, Slovakia
A university town in Western Slovakia
Also an old Roman outpost. The left a big inscription on a cliff below the castle, dated 179 AD, though not in those words.
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I arrived on a hot muggy afternoon that was, paradoxically, still overcast and dingy. 

No matter. The nice man at the tourist office found me a fairly cheap pension, across the Vah river from the old town.

Right across the river! The front terrace feeds on to the path along the top of the levee.

My room is on the west side, away from the river and the castle views, but I do get the sunsets, and I have an enthusiastic fir tree that pokes up just above my balcony.

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100 m or so walk along the levee, and another couple hundred across the railroad bridge and under the highway, takes me into the old town.

The levee is grassy, with fine views of the castle across the river.

That orange and yellow building is my pension. Home sweet away from home.

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The river bank has grass and wildflowers below the railroad bridge.

The pedestrian path across the railroad bridge is wide enough for two people to pass, or even two bicycles. But the bicycles make it a real adventure for the pedestrians. "Constant vigilance!"

The old town
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Did I mention that the old town sits right under the castle?  Pod Hradom (beneath the castle) is a popular business name here. Hotel pod hradom, Restaurace pod hradom, etc.

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The Parish Church (Farsky kostol), below and to the side of the castle, but at the top of a long covered stairs.

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The covered stairs. We'll see more of them in the next post.

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A beer mat at a local wi-fi-enabled bar.

The inscription says A wise person has riches in himself.
I think. I can't find sebe in my dictionary, but I think
it is self, mangled for the appropriate grammatical case.
I am sure of the wise (or clever) person has riches in part.

Next: Trenčin Part 2
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