Mon 14.Oct.2019
Spain & Portugal
imagery April/May 2019

Sitting in front of Pub Sweet Home in my third week in Rhodes, waiting for my scrabble partners to show up for the evening's scrabbling. The days are still warm here; the nights get chilly after midnight.

Tonight's page covers last Spring in Spain and Portugal. I expect one more page of Portugal before I get to Rhodes. It's OK. Over the years, I've posted most of the shots I know in Rhodes, and very few from Portugal. Here we go!

Sevilla, Spain
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A couple of street names that amused me.

Was this guy the inspiration for Kinky Friedman's Lasso from El Paso?

Jesus of the Great Power
Holy hyperbole, Batman!

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View from my (no longer so cheap) cheapie hotel in the heart of town.

It looks like a nice enough restaurant. I really shoud eat there some day.

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Dynamic parking info.

Entrances to the shady seats of the bull ring.
The shady side - SOMBRA - is considered the "good" seats. As the writer Wright Morris observed, don't go blindy ordering the best seats if you would really prefer a nice warm seat in the SOL.

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Glorieta of J. Garcia and Ramos
I dunno who Ramos is, but a glorieta for J Garcia is fine with me. Hm... Garcia y Ramos is probably a single name in Spanish. Oh well.

A typically long line of people waiting to visit the wonderful Alcazar, probably Spain's second-greatest Moorish palace complex, after Granada's Alhambra.

If you are in Sevilla, and pass the Alcazar when there is no line like this, take it as a message from heaven that you are supposed to drop everything and visit now!

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When I see acanthus in Sevilla, I can't resist photographing it. Why dat?!? Acanthus has no such effect on me other places.

An interloper! This is not Sevilla at all - it is a rest area on the nature trail around Toledo. I just like it.

Azores Islands,

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Just a taste here - we'll see more Portugal in the next post.

Actually, the Azores are a couple of hours flying time out in the Atlantic Ocean, but they are formally part of Portugal.

These are not party islands. That is what Ibiza and Mykonos are for.
Azores attract outdoor activity fans. Hiking, whale-watching, stuff like that. And people like me. I just wanted a relaxed place I hadn't been before.

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Next: Portugal
Prev: Spain -- Up: Table of Contents

All content copyright 2019 Jeff Bulf