Sun 27.Oct.2019
Imagery April 2019

Eating a great hot winter soup here in (not very wintery) Rhodes, watching a birthday party of 8-yr-old kids across the patio. Tonight's pictures are from Portugal, where I started out last April when most of Europe was still too wintry to mess with.

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Pronounced POR-too.

Remember all the Spanish you can when you are reading Portuguese. Forget all the Spanish you ever knew when you are pronouncing Portuguese!

A few cool, cloudy days in Portugal's second city. I'd love to see the place again with light and warmth. It was characterful and often beautiful.

Ponta Delgada, Sao Miguel Island, Azores
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There was actually a huge cruise ship in this harbor one day! I am pretty sure I recognized it as one that calls in Rhodes. This part of the port is mainly yachts.

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"Learning English is not fake news!"

No costume, no service!

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At the Campo Grande park, in the northern part of Lisbon.

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Public art in a mostly residential area.

Albufeira, Algarve

What's an Algarve?
The Algarve is the province on Portugal's south coast. The eastern half is protected wetlands that extend into Spain. The west is mostly overrun with tourist beach towns, not least Albufeira, where I spent a week.

Evening light turns this beach even yellower than it really is.

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A place to rest your ash, so to speak, at a beach bar.

Albufeira is deeply overrun with British holiday makers, who are here for the weather, not the Portuguese culture. The local "Shakedown Street" - the main drag of souvenir shops - makes its Rhodian counterpart look restrained and dignified!

This is not an altogether bad thing; I found my first full-strength vindaloo in Europe here! I attribute it to those Brits, whose own country has enough Indians and Pakistanis to support real indian cooking.

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No coffee!

In Rhodes, this would look like a cruise ship. Here in Albufeira, it is just tourist accomodation. Hotels? Condos? Deponent knoweth not.

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All content copyright 2019 Jeff Bulf