Mon 16.Nov.2009
í­a, Crete, Greece
Nothing earthshaking here.
Just a pleasant afternoon stroll around the waterfront in a beach town with little else to do.
silhouettes visible through thin curtainsprefab bar annex, pink chairs
Most waterfront cafe/bars have an outdoor annex in front - a pre-fab room with transparent walls that can be raised or lowered according to the weather. Most have some sort of privacy curtains as well. And two (at least) have wi-fi access for customers.
half-dark marina at dusskCafe front: "Cafe snack bar obelix", with cartoon image
Whaddya know?! A familiar and belovd Gaul, beaming at me in miniature from a fast-food shack.

With his name spelled in Greek alphabet, the rest of the sign in Latin. Hmm...

closed computer on table, lights reflected in topYA prefab bar annex by the waterfront. Comfy chairs
My trusty Eee PC 1000, reflecting cafe lights.
blackboard with coffee menu in greek lettersdefalt alt text
Innit fun to recognize furrin' spellings of familiar words?

This sign offers a variety of coffees.  I especially enjoyed figuring out capuccino and nescafe.

I dunno what Anapsyktika means. If you do, let me know.
Tree in front of window reflecting harborsmall boat with reflection in water
Porpoise mosaic on black and white sea pebbles in sidewalkFlower mosaic  in pebbles in sidewalk
Like Rhodes, Sitia embeds mosaics in pebbles in some sidwalks. My guide book gives a name for this practice, but I don't remember it.
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