Wed 20.Jun.2012
Šibenik, Dalmatia, Croatia

The bus from Split toward Zadar runs a leisurely hour and a half along the winding coast highway, and gets you to Šibenik (SHEE-ben-eek), at the mouth of the Krka river. (Innit fun to have a language where "r" is a vowel?)
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I had no idea what to expect of Šibenik. I actually mistook a little nowhere village for it, and decided to go somewhere else. Y'see I saw a sign from the bus, pointing to Šibenik, with a number "8" in a box. 8km, OK. And sure enough, in about 8km, there is this little dinky village.

Fortunately, the bus didn't stop there, and I had time to figure out that "8" is the highway number. When we reached the real Šibenik, I took a chance with an English-speaking room tout at the bus station. Jackpot! My host is a nice young Coast Guard boat captain named, so help me, Zvonko.

Orientation Walk
My room is upstairs, on a porch with flowers. The driveway has a grape arbor. My late Italian uncle Deferino would be proud.
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Hmm... this place is beautiful.

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It is also on a steep hill side. The center is downhill from home.

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In general, the Croatian coast of the Adriatic looks more "Italian" than the Italian coast. Indeed, Italian is the second official language in Dalmatia, though I haven't heard it to speak of, 'cept that some Italian vocabulary has crept into the local Croatian language.

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More to come.

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