Mon 23.May.2022
Sevilla, Spain

In late april, I was back in Sevilla, Spain - one of my favorite European cities. First time since Before Covid, and happy to be here.
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I had chosen a hotel in central Sevilla from a booking web site. To my delight, it proved to be a classic Sevilla Cheapie, exuberantly decorated, friendly, unpretentious. Cheapie hotel rooms don't have their own fridge, so they stashed my insulin for me in front of the Coca-Cola in a glass-fronted fridge behind the receptionist, where I could see it every time I walked past.

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Alameda de Hercules.
So these columns are the Pillars of Hercules, right?

The Spanish stairs, so to speak. :)

Around the Plaza de Espana.
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One of the reflecting pools at the nearby Prado de San Sebastian.

A pair of classical guitarists, busking in a low-profile corner of the big colonnade. Classical - no half-baked tourist-flamenco for these guys!

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Feria de Sevilla
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In past years, I've always seen this as "Feria de Abril". Now it is Feria de Sevilla. The week-long festivity often runs into May. Maybe somebody got tired of explaining that. Maybe they changed the name because this year, it didn't even start until May.

The fair's dates are tied to Easter, which came late this year.

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In any case, one of the joys of Spring in Sevilla is seeing all the costumed people and horse carriages on the streets. The "gypsy dresses" in particular are part of the tradition.

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All content copyright 2022 Jeff Bulf