Fri 28.May.2010
Rouen, Normandy, France

The local train to Rouen, Normandy from Paris was improbably full. Barely an empty seat in any car. Could all of these people really be going to Rouen? A nice enough city, but surely not that big a tourist draw. Still less might they all be going to the half-dozen minor stops en route.

It turned out that one of those minor stops is Vernon, the station for Giverny. All of these hordes were on their way to see Claude Monet's famous gardens. (As opposed to Yrs Trly, who was on his way to see the old man's cathedral, of which more below.)
So let's get started on what I found in Rouen.

pigeon on twiggy groundwhite horse tethered near cathedral
Half-timbering, Norman style
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The Gros Horloge is mounted above an arch over a stree near my room. A big one-handed clock from medieval times.

It was first mounted on an adjacent tower, but was lowered by popular demand in 1529 so that people could read it more easily.

Cafe Life
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Monet's Cathedral
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This side is by the
light of mid-day.

This side is in
late afternoon light.

You can see how Claude Monet could get into this subject.

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Mid day.

Late Afternoon

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After one too many.

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Next: More Rouen

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