Sun 04.Nov.2012
Rhodes, Greece

To start out another pretty nice fall day in Rhodes, here are a couple of familiar churches with slightly odd names.
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St Pandeleimonos

Basilica of the Virgin of the Burgh

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There is no harm in showing a couple more colorful tourist shops. They will be shuttered up in another month or so.

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Hmm... I didn't even notice all of those people on the upper decks of today's humongous cruise ship! Some were probably waving. If I had been paying attention, I would probably have waved back.

Today's ripples
from the folks and boats at Mandraki, the ancient harbor, now used for yachts, commercial and otherwise.
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Today's walk through the moat beneath the Grandmaster's Palace.
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I suppose the singular is correct: Grandmaster's, not Grandmasters'. All of them did live there, but only one at any given time.

googley google... yup - some references spell it as two words, some as one, but they all use the singular.

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The giant tree-strangling zucchini is going strong. I think somebody does keep it under control, though. A small fence surrounds its roots; something shrinks it back every year or two. The poor plane tree would have been smothered to invisiblity by now if the vine were having its own unrestricted way.

Before this bar added the word "cielo" to its sign, I used to joke about it with my German-speaking friends. Klo is German slang for toilet. The crown could even be taken to mean that they have a real throne for a klo at the Clo.

I still think that makes more sense. CLO sounds nothing like cielo unless you pronounce it to rhyme with jell-o, in which case you don't know enough Spanish to understand it anyway.

My guess: like the tourist bars in Slovakia with Spanish names, this is probably targeted at British vacationers who used to go to Spain. Other wisecrack interpretations are welcome.

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