Mon 20.Feb.2012
Rhodes, Greece

The Greek sun god, or his material incarnation, cast his gaze bright and cold on Rhodes today, the third day in a row, and I am still working on photos from two days ago.
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Botany on - or perhaps behind - the top of a wall.

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Late afternoon at the St. Paul Gate
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Looking west.

Looking east.

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Does anybody know the real name of this soft-focus little "dancing plant"? A harbinger of Spring, however little the temperature here feels like it.

I have loved these little guys since I was a child. Ironic then that my camera has incredible difficulty getting them in sharp focus.

A month ago these white-blossomed branches were bare. Three weeks ago the barest buds were peeking their heads out. This tree outside my window has become a daily entertainment. I don't know its species. The bark is smoother than hawthorne, and I seem to remember cherry trees being larger with more arching branches. In any case, there were no remains of cherries on or under the tree when I arrived last October.

Thanks to these three cold sparkling days, I should have enough pictures to occupy at least part of my upcoming month in California.
Day after tomorrow begins a week in Paris.

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Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf