Mon 30.Jan.2012
Rhodes, Greece

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An apparently unused mosque, clean and painted, perhaps because it is in the heart of the tourist shop district. It is also just inside ...

... the gate to Kolonna, the commercial harbor, which we pass on our way to get this week's Economist.

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The afternoon sun puts a glow on the wares of a souvenir-boat, which also sells sea shells and sponges. Real sponges that used to be living critters.

They look and feel great, but fall apart under the wear and tear of use sooner than plastic sponges.

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Windows in a bulwark around a former gate to the medieval city.

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The medieval moat is a favorite dog-walking space, especially the grassy area around the D'Amboise Gate on the landward side of town.

A Catpot of Jacks
It's a lirty die.
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A favorite cat hang-out. I've shown these feline-friendly steps before ...

... but never with such good light or so many cats.

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A lone cat on some nearby steps.

"You may be wondering why I've asked you both to lunch..."

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Distant view of a watchcat standing watch
over the cannons under the Grandmasters' Palace.

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Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf