Mon 09.Nov.09
Rhodes, Greece
White cat perched on a gnarled old stump.pebble-paved street behind palm fronds
It is November in Europe, a prospect that has always made me shudder - or shiver if I am actually here.

This time though, I am in the south eastern most corner of Europe, and so help me indian summer arrived today. Cloudless sky, t-shirt temperatures... can't beat it.

Black cat surround by green leaves and binsOrange tabby on pebble-paved street
Have I mentioned that Rhodes is chock full of cats?

Even by Greek standards I mean.

Eucalyptus in front of Hotel DomusRed bougainvillas framed by tree leaves.
That brown wall is my hotel. My actual window is about behind the tree. The place is friendly with all the "mod cons" as they say, and superbly located. They could probably rake in 10 EUR more per night per guest if they painted the place a more attractive color. I hope they don't; then I would have to find someplace else cheap and good and well-located.

The Fountain Inside the Front Gate
Ripples in surface of a fountainFountain spigot trickling into basin.
defalt alt textBig round stone towers flanking the front gate of the old city

And so as the world sinks slowly...
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we wrap up another buncha pictures from the very edge of the Aegean. From the tip of the island, about 15 minutes walk from my cafe table here, you can see more of Turkey than of Greece. Let;s hear it for irony.

I'm leaving tomorrow evening by ferry for Sitía in eastern Crete.
See y'all from there.

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