Tue 27.Dec.2011
Rhodes, Greece

Welcome to that limbo after Christmas and before New Year's Eve.
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Before dawn.

Before sunset.

A bit of sun on a cloudy day.
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I like the look of hooded crows, and goodness knows they are abundant here in Rhodes. So why don't I take more pictures of them? Because they are hard to get close to, and also camera-shy.

I managed a few today though.

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Mandraki, the ancient harbor entrance of Rhodes.

An hour later by evening.

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Got her moto working!

Actually she sat down cross-legged on the seat and closed her eyes.

Meditating or napping? Deponent knoweth not.

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Crow of the Year

... and a runner-up.

Hi Barb!

As evening falls...
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In the right-hand picture, you should barely be able to make out the planet Venus just above the middle point of the right-hand merlon, as I have recently learned to call those crenellation-like structures.

Later: I looked it up. Crenels are the spaces between the merlons. The things you learn in your old age!

Next: Happy 2012
Prev: Gravity, History, Solstice -- Up: Table of Contents

Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf