Sat 24.Dec.2011
Rhodes, Greece

Christogen (really - Christougenna!) is all but apon us; the solstice has already passed.
The rainy - and occasionally thunderous - season is here.
Good old human spirit brings light and warmth nonetheless.
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A tree on a rock in the low winter light, in the section of the old city where The Knights themselves lived.

A Byzantine-era wall separated the knightly quarter from that of the slaves, mercenaries, Greeks, and other riff-raff whom the knights did not entirely trust. The wall is still mostly there. It was at my back as I took these two pictures.

Ents dancing on the day of the solstice.

Gravity 1 - 0 History
A guide book describes Recep Pasha's Mosque (since 1588) as one of the most elegant and graceful of the many old mosques of Rhodes. It is also among the most ill-preserved. About 3:00 Monday morning, a significant piece of it collapsed.
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In classical mosque fashion, this one has a square (cubical), domed central hall. At the front is a high, vaulted and arched "front porch" area for people to remove their shoes before entering the prayer hall.

It was the left half of this front porch that collapsed Monday night.

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Looking lengthwise through the "front porch" from the collapsed end.

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Before the collapse: props under one of the three arches of the "front porch".

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