Wed 02.Nov.2011
Rhodes, Greece

From what people were saying, I'd have expected the sidewalks to roll up in Rhodes at the end of October. In the event, there are still cruise ships calling, and plenty of shops and restaurants open when they are here. This is still shoulder season, not yet off season.
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The first mandarin oranges have begun to show up in the markets. They are greenish, and not ready for prime time, but at least they are showing their little round faces. A couple more weeks, and there will be wonderful cheap mandarins all round.

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Today's cruise ship was one of the humongous ones from MSC. I don't know what the letters stand for. I think of them as Monster Sea Cruisers.

They are much bigger than the medium size ships in this picture from last week.

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I took a second walk around the old city wall last Saturday, in case November is when it closes for the winter season.

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I don't remember what this kid was holding. I do remember she was chasing the pigeons, so maybe that blur by her hand is just a bird in flight.

Down by the yacht harbor
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Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf