Mon 24.Oct.2011
Rhodes, Greece

A marginal day at the south-east corner of the Aegean. High broken clouds, temperature at the low end of t-shirt range. The light is too flat for good photos - a good time to catch up on the previous few days' crop.
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One of the local ex-pats told me the actual name of these huge shapely spreading shade trees that are so ubiquitous in the old town: ficus.

Pronounced with a short "i", as in biggus ficus.

Not to be confused with palm trees, especially date palms.

Photo Success
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Some folks may have noticed that my camera tends to change red hibiscus blossoms to yellow and / or orange. It has been a frustrating quirk in a place as hibiscful as Rhodes.

I finally discovered how to prevent that! You may be seeing a disproportionate number of red hibisci until I get over the novelty.

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Roof Garden

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Moat Monsters (modern variety)

Modern dwellers in the old city

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Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf