Sun 23.Oct.2011
Rhodes, Greece

Back in the Lower City
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Before we come down off the city wall, here is a room that was up there. I don't know what it was used for.

OK, now we are down for real.

In silhouette, this moto looks kind of insect-like.

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Home sweet pub: looking out the front door.

The patio.

Does anybody know the name of this purple bush?

Besides Fred?

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I wonder whether this magnolia spike will be turning into a blossom.

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Construction materials for the new marina under construction, south of the present harbors.

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More furrin spelling of familiar words.
Who can find coffees, beers, sandwiches, snacks, and cigars? Hint: anapsyktika is soft drinks, so that isn't any of them.

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Looking across the moat, the wall, and (behind the wall) the old city.

A small amphitheater in the moat, named for Melina Mercouri.

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Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf