Mon 03.Jan.2011
Rhodes Town, Greece
The poor old crumbling mosque across the square is named for one Rejep Pasha, whoever exactly he may have been.
Crow atop Rejep Pasha's now-ruined mosque default alt text
The dome was once covered in copper sheeting, which is now slowly peeling off as the years go by. The grass and weeds have actually established themselves on the upper ledges on the east side. I'll get a photo of them next time I am up that early on a sunny morning.

This hooded crow was enjoying himself up there on New Years Day.

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Ancient Acropolis
Rhodes town actually has an ancient acropolis, on a ridge west of the old city.
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It is a minor affair as acropoli go. Not in the league with Lindos, an hour south, historically or touristically. In fact the grounds are a city park. There is not a tourist-oriented stand or vendor to be seen. Not so much as a Genuine Fake Watch. There are not even any package tours here for the cruise ship people - they go to Lindos instead (which is ready and waiting for them).

So what is up here?
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A small restored amphitheater; an excavated, but not really restored circus; a ruined temple to Apollo; kids playing, families picnicing; a not too shabby vista toward the harbor.

A complete lack of hype or hustle.

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A woman doing some kind of fitness excercises at the top of the amphitheater.

Back Down in the Old City
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Happy new year 2011!
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