Wed 10.Nov.2010
Rhodes, Greece

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The voracious vine that I mentioned a couple of posts ago... some people said it looked a lot like a squash of some kind. I went back and checked. Sure enough, it has some pendants that look a little like huge albino zucchini. This one is about 4 feet long.

Mutant giant albino killer zucchini, attacking a pair of innocent sycamore trees in the old city in Rhodes! Whooda thunkit?
The wierdest part is that there is a little protective wire enclosure around the base of the vine! Go figure.

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A fuzzed-out photo from my short-lived red camera. These kids were sharp and clear in "view finder" mode, but when I snapped the picture, here is the result.

By contrast, the street lamp outside my window is sharp and clear with the new battery-camera, even zoomed way up and with my camera hand rather wobbly.

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My shoe and sandal rims are not worn as ragged as this pixelization make them look. Click on the picture to see the way it really looks.

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Today's hibiscus, intensely back-lighted. The back side of the flower really has yellowish patches, and they show through.

This branch looks like it should be turned vertical, but this is the way it really is.

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The new battery-powered camera does up to 5x optical zoom. Scope to experiment.

R.I.P. Olympus X-430.

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