Tue 24.Mar.2020
Rhodes, Greece

I am stranded in California until it is safe to travel again after this pandemic.
I have a huge backlog of pictures from the past year, and time on my hands.

Today's crop are from Rhodes.
First from Rhodes city where I make my winter base.
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The Moon, waxing over the old city wall.

A cold January day, but unfortunately for this happy couple, the sun was bright enough to shoot their wedding photos in the moat. Notice how the photographers are bundled up against the wind!

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Two of the many street cats on the Mandraki breakwater, late on a looming winter afternoon.

Even though the pointed spire looks like a mini-minaret, this is the (ruined) Byzantine Church of St Spyridon.

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A hex of relief.
The touristed parts of Rhodes Town maintain a set of public restrooms.
When I was first there, some of those were free, but unpleasant to use.
Now they are all tended, and spotless. A 50-cents entry charge presumably goes toward paying the attendants, who more than earn it.

This example is in a six-sided pergola in the New Market complex.

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Evening in Rhodes town.

OK, out to the rest of the island
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One of the three ancient city-states that founded the union of Rhodes.

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The beach at Stegna

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An interloper.
This scene is from Chalki island.

Monolithos (mo-NOH-lithos), in the south-west of the island of Rhodes.
The castle was built by the Knights of St John in 1480.

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All content copyright 2020 Jeff Bulf