Mon 04.Feb.2019
Rhodes, Greece

February is here, and welcome to it!
Today was mild, if still cool. Better, we finally get a break in the forty days of rain! Not really t-shirt weather yet, but I did remove my jacket for the last bit of my exercise walk around the medieval moat.
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Something Different

Why don't these two pictures look like Rhodes?
We are back to that rainy afternoon in Symi a week ago.

We'll be there most of the page.

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These painted pediments are all but unknown in Rhodes, In Symi, they are ubiquitous. (I word I don't think I have used before in ten years of these posts!)

Setting foot on this little island for the first time, you could almost wonder whether you are in some odd corner of Italy. No, just an odd corner of Greece.

I just checked; I have used "ubiquitous" three times before; curiously, always in Greece!

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Three weeks from today, I leave Rhodes for the season.

Three weeks is longer than I stay at all in most places.
Here in Rhodes, it makes me a short-timer.

(Even though I say "here in Rhodes",
the pictures are still Symi.)

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Late afternoon at Symi harbor. The ferry back to Rhodes will be here soon, about ten minutes behind schedule. How do I know that? So help me, my friend found a web site that tracks commercial shipping in real time. Give it the name of your boat (Dodekanisos Express), and it shows you on a map where it is right now!

OK, Fort St Nikolas!
We are back in Rhodes!
I hope eveybody enjoyed the excursion.

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All content copyright 2019 Jeff Bulf