Sun 31.Oct.2010
Rhodes, Dodecanese Islands, Greece
It is Halloween in Rhodes, which means absolutely nothing in this Orthodox country, save that we set the clocks back to Standard Time last night.  GMT+2 we are now; for a week I will be only nine hours ahead of my west coast friends and family. Then they will drop back to GMT-8. So goes the long slow rhythm.
Moat's-eye view of massive walls and battlements stone bridge entering arch in wall
Actually, Halloween does mean one thing: tomorrow is All Saints Day, which I'll bet does get some attention, if only at the little but historic church of Saint Fanourios, which backs on the square where I live.

arched door to the system of tunnels under the old city crenellations in silhouette
What does All Saints Day have to do with these pictures from the moat? Nada, Nichts, nič. They are two orthogonal trains of though.

wide grssy are in old city moat horizontally-growing palm between two medieval stone mortar balls

white minaret framed by tips of sycamore branches bright little trees, framed by large shadowed  trees
OK, everybody out of the moat!

Ibrahim Pasha's little mosque still has its lovely white minaret.

There must be a name for this enclosed garden area just north of the moat.

stack of dark tan colored sponges hanging-fiber wind chime
Down to Kolonna Harbor, the commercial harbor.

This boat sells sponges, pumice stones, sea shells, et al.

default alt text cluster of bright orange palm dates looking down at tourists in moat, through defensive shooting aperture

Green vine frond with broad leaves default alt text default alt text
Can anybody identify this ferociously aggressive green vine that is slowly strangling some trees in the upper side of the Old City? For something that isn't visibly moving, it sets me back with its voracity.

Home Sweet Home, on the wall downstairs in the main pub room.

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