Wed 27.Oct.2010
Rhodes Town, Greece
Winter is approaching Europe.  Yikes!  Cold ice snow sleet rain cold. Did I mention cold? 
Only one sensible stategy: Rhodes or Crete. So home base for the next couple of months is (ta da...) Rhodes.

Inevitably, that means a lot of pictures - or their subjects -  are going to look kind of familiar;
I have already posted more from here than any other three places combined.
What the hey, it is where I am, and it is picturesque enough.
Proprietess leaning on a chair uinder an awning full of morning glory close up: blue morning glory cactus growing vine-like around a tree trunk

Whiite minaret framed by broken wall sun on tips of a tree branch

tables full at outdoor restaurant sunlit biut empty cafe terrace
Romios, on the edge of where the touristas wander, has been the source of many a colorful picture for me. It would only be decent if I actually eat something there someday.

The Mango Bar, next to my pub, is a curious place. Has color, character, all the credentials you could ask for. But the proprietors are so elderly that I have never been able to wait long enough for them to get around to me. I feel more guilty for adding to their labors than helpful for giving them business that they are hardy capable of handling.

low sun casts two human shadows on cobbled walk pigeon looking over a cornice on a fountain
An enthhusistic old guy just now told me that Greek is a hard language because it has a hundred million words, as opposed to English with only a hundred thousand or so.

I mentioned that if you spent your life saying words non-stop, with no breaks for food or sleep, you would not reach a hundred million before you died.  It didn't register.

Maybe this fellow's pride in his hundred million word language is important to his happiness. It wouldn't be the first illusion that mattered greatly to its holder.

brown stones in the Kolonna Gate Kolonna Gate and a bit of walkway outside
The front gate, formally the Marina Gate, or Kolonna Gate, looking on Kolonna Harbor, the  commercial harbor. I gather that Kolonna (like columns?) are the two round towers that flank the gate itself.

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