Mon 24.Apr.2017
Rhodes, Greece

Back in Calif for almost two months now. I've been scanned and, scoped, postponed my return to Europe at a Dr's request. On the upside, the delay got me a great afternoon of live acoustic music, with friends whom I see all too rarely since I started wandering.

Let's get one last round of Rhodes pictures out, before I hit the road again on Wednesday.
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The moon and Venus over the Old City

The little tower at the St Paul gate. I'm a sucker for this one, reflected in a corner of Kolona Harbor, and enhanced to make a feature of all the microgunk in the water.

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This thick old biggus ficus tree sits by the patio of a seasonal restaurant in the old city. I dunno what the rope around it is for. Perhaps it once had a reason to be there, and hasn't since had a reason to be anywhere else.

As usual, a round of harbor views.
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The aquarium, seen from the north end of Mandraki Harbor.

The medieval hospital is now the Archeological Museum. Here is a peek through into the museum gardens, through a side gate, from Street of the Knights.

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Christmas decorations on a Mandraki windmill. Yes, it has been that long since I've posted pictures.

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The little spire of St Spyridon's Byzantine church.

That is it for this round of Rhodes, and a procrastinated piece of work it is. I hope it brings pleasure enough.
I'm outta here Wednesday evening, with an overnight near Zurich airport, and May Day weekend in Madrid.
(Note to self: reserve lodging in Madrid, and figure out what to do after that!)
Here we go again!

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All content copyright 2017 Jeff Bulf