Rocky Rhodes
Sat 16.Jan.2010
Rhodes Town, Greece
End of the Rhodes
It is my last night in Rodhos for now. I sail tomorrow evening on the overnight ferry to Pireas and Athens, then fly home on the 20th for the month of February. If I pass the Big Bad Thrombosis tests, I'll be back on this side of The Big Ditch (as the WW2 moves used to call it) by mid-March.
moon behind silhouette of trees and towercat silhouetted on rooftopgreen laser rectangle outlines on wall in narrow street
Early morning moon and cat.

Night time lasers outside a disco bar.

spikes of spiralling grass plants, before and aftersome kind of dandelion flower
white minaret behind tree branchbare poplar trunks and brancheswaiter stannding in doorway lookingg frustrated
It has got to be a worrisome life to be a tourist oriented restaurateur in the off season.

This fellow is obviously a waiter. He is almost surely the  owner as well, because he could not afford to pay an employee on the business he gets at this time of year. He doesn't look happy and I can't blame him.

arch w/ sign Hobby of Laundry grass-grown pebbled walk shopping street frammed by sides of ruined archway
My local friendly "self-service" (in the Greek island sense) laundromat. Those framing ruins belong to the early christian Basilica of St. Michael.

white minaret framed in anciant stone archwaytufty pine-like fronds
silhouette of cross on a dome against rain cloudscat in grass under city wall

The Old City Moat by Wanlight
The sun is playing hide and seek behind the cirrus clouds. Let's see what we can find anyway.
stone stairs descending through archmotorcycle rider emerging from stone archoff-white stone panel with 3 coats of arms
This is the first picture I have ever "photoshopped". (Actually GIMPed -  GNU Image Manipulation Program.)

The cloudy indirect light made a flat  boring color picture, but a pretty good black & white one.

'Tis the stairs leading down into the moat from the "San Francisco" city gate. The color pics look above and through the gate.
wan sun on wall, no sun on wall behindworm's-eeye-view of round crenellated stone towerworm-s-eye-view: outer wall from moat
So... that is the Rhodes' end, so to speak, for now. Maybe the end of these posts until March  - depends on what pictures I find in Athens and how much time and energy I have for them. I've been fighting off a sinus cold for a couple of days, successfully so far.

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Credit where due: thanks to my ever-lovin sister (one of two) for the title of today's post.

Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf