Sun 10.Jan.2010
Rhodes Town, Greece
I first entered Greece a year ago today on my 63rd birthday, on a ferry from Italy. Who knew I'd be hanging out here as much as I have.
Lame excuse: if I'd known, I'd have worked harder on the language. (Probably wouldn't really - I've just been lazy.)

I hestitated about posting this batch of pictures, because most of them look pretty familiar, i.e. similar to others I have already posted, the same old subjects - a hazard of staying in one place for a month at a stretch. Still, they are recent pix, and none of them are really steenkin' bad, so here y'go. As always, you can click on a picture to see it larger (640x480).
white blue and orange catamaran ship, framed by foreground bush spctacular orange clouds over city skyline
mosaic floor behind display cases with bracelets etc blue lights in fashion shop window, street reflections in black dress
potted geranium, arch, stack of firewood pigeon in niche in city wall
yacht prow, domed plaza, mountains yachts in harbor, square tower
bare closed up souvenir booths oranfe-colored strips in sandstone wall dead date palm fronds in grassy strip
bare palm trunk amid brambly stems silhouetted city wall and trees beneathe small cloud and jet contrail
yachts, small stone towers, distant mountains old guys on benches watching the marina
small white speedboat in front of 2 big tugboats bronze owl atop pointy pedestal

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