Sun 09.Feb.2014
Rhodes, Greece

Now time is getting short. Three weeks from tonight, I'll be in California, renewing my acquaintance with the sort-of-new cat, getting ready for a couple of weeks of scans and checkups, getting another six months worth of prescriptions together, hopefully seeing a few friends in person ... the stuff of elderly life.
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The courtyard at a complex that The Italians apparently built as a market center. These days it is given over to shops and fast food, mostly tourist-oriented. A friend hangs out at a cheap cafe for locals here. She is a tough woman; she lasts way longer than I on the folding wooden chairs, and is rewarded with cheap coffee and sympatico local company. I enjoy joining her for as long as my nalga can handle the chairs, but more often, I get an Economist or International New York Times, and climb a block to the new-ish pedestrianized bar street, where one cafe has wicker armchairs with thick cushions.

One of my few sorely-felt lacks here is a comfortable reading chair. Ya takes what you can find.

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Who knows what this pinwheel-shaped bush is called?

A narrow lane, even by medieval standards. No cars here, and only the smallest of motos, at low speed.

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Late afternoon light
down in the medieval moat ...

... and up on the rim, in the Wood Between the Worlds.

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From that Wood, you can see the last light of day on the Grandmaster's Palace across the moat.

Down at Kolonna Harbor, a medieval fortification wall runs the length of the breakwater. It makes a picturesque enough walk out to the tip, but of course you need to retrace your steps to continue on to anywhere else.

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On the other side of that breakwater... can a cat look at a turkey? This cat probably isn't looking across the water at Turkey. He is just sitting there at the base of the breakwater leading out to ...

... Fort St Nicolas, at the entrance to Mandraki Harbor.

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This little window is part of my limited-but-nice view as I take brunch on my little front porch. This picture will probably always evoke rich Greek yogurt and local Rhodian honey for me. If only it could conjure them up too!

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Yesterday's Saturday market produced at least a page worth of interesting still lifes (still lives?). They'll have to wait their turn though. I have a page or so of other photos ahead of them in the queue. Whether I get the pages together before I leave Rhodes is anybody's guess. Perhaps I should save them, to give me something to occupy myself for the month of March in California.

Time will tell, and be told.

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All content copyright 2014 Jeff Bulf