Thu 07.Jan.2010
Rhodes Town, Greece
big bare branching sycamore pale piled-stone wall behind back-lighted grasses
Today's pictures center around the wonderful low-angled winter light, and the local flora, plus a little faunum who flutters through near the end.

They are all from inside the old city, or from the green strip just outside the medieval moat.
grass in cracks of mosaic sidewalk wind-sculpted branch system of a tall tree
You just can't discourage the stuff, at least while it has enough rain to support it. This spread is growing in the cracks of a major sidewalk.

North of the Alps. grass is more of a summer thing, when the weather is warm enough for it to grow. Here, as in California, grass is a sign of winter.
round turret behind a pair of tall palms palm fronds framed by bent branch
If these trees don't speak for themselves, nothing I can say will help.
wispy tree-needles, resembling a bird shape sun on smallish mostly dark green leaves
I dunno whether these wispy tendrils are part of the tree, or some aerophyte that just uses the tree as a place to hang.

This particular clump looks to me like the outline of  a thunderbird. Probably a residual effect of 1960's college entertainment.

Obiter dictum:
If Europe wants to be a culturally more enjoyable place, they should ban all playing of Hotel California for a few years. It is the Stairway To Heaven of our time: in-ever-lovin'-escapable in every country I've visited, ever since I started these wanderings. Give it a rest, folks!
the little plant that curls up n the sun fallen fruit from a date palm
I have loved these little seasonal weeds ever since I was a kid. Each of those spikes is a cluser of five smaller spikes, stuck to a central stem.

Eventually, as the spring progresses, the subspikes dry, and each one coils up, pulling it off the central stem and propelling it across the ground, carrying a seed with it.
On the left, you can see some empty stems whose seeds are already gone.

If you peel a subspike off and hold it in your fingertips, it bends and dances as it coils up. Wonderful small-scale natural performance art.

This, so help me, is the first time I've ever seen dates on the hoof  on the ground.

monarch butterfly atop low stone wall sighting along a bougainvilla vine bare of flowers
Aren't monarch butterflies cute? Hard to get close enough to them for a good picture though.

I could not have taken this photo with my old camera. The new one has noticeably stronger zoom (5x instead of 3x), and compensates better for the loss of light when you zoom way in.

A bougainvilla vine with no flowers on it.
'Tis the season. They'll be back when the time comes.

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