Fri 11.Oct.2013
Rhodes, Greece

Another Thursday, another walk out the Red Gate to the street market. Plums, figs, grapes, socks and undies - a decent day's haul.

Also a bunch of new market photos, which is awkward because I haven't even posted last week's crop yet. They'll be in the post after this one. Today we are mainly on the top of the medieval city walls.
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OK, one market photo, of a clothing bin.

Two bottles of water, abandoned on a ledge in Sophocleous Square.

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The medieval walls from below, i.e. down in the moat.

These three turistas are strolling the section known as the Post of England, the turf of the English-speaking contingent of the Knights of St John.

The wall on the left is a mesa-like structure that runs along the middle of the moat, effectively forcing beseigers to fight their way across twice.

The trans-moat bridge at the D'Amboise Gate

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A Rhodes cliche - I know I have shown this view before. Ibrahim Pasha's minaret, framed by the ruins of the basilica of St Michael. If I remember right, or understood in the first place, the basilica was built as a place for the Greeks, Slaves, commoners etc to worship after the Knights evicted them from the upper city. The old wall separating the two districts is still mostly visible.

Upon the battlement.
At last, just like real Shakespearean ghosts, here we are, looking down some trees in somebody's yard.

Walking the high road
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There is little if anything to say from here on.

Kick back, and enjoy the view from the top of the medieval city wall.

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This turns out to be the back door of a friend's house. A pair of friends, actually.

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There is even a courtyard with a couple of trees up here!
The spiky tree and the round tower are on a hill inside the city.

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All content copyright 2013 Jeff Bulf