Mon 30.Sep.2013
Rhodes, Greece

Goodness, Rhodes is such a photogenic place! I got a page worth of photos just from going out shopping for basic supplies for my stay here: orange juice, diabetic supplies, et al. If I had known how soon rain would be forecast (Tuesday), I'd have picked up a jacket at the Saturday street market. As it is I'll get an umbrella today on the street that sells little else, and try for a jacket at the Thursday market, which is on a much closer street than the Saturday one.
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Honey in the morning!

All sorts of daily detail from around town has vied for my camera's attention these first few days. This page has little that I haven't shown in past seasons here. The very familiarity should help establish the feeling of "being back". If anybody is hankering for dramatic medieval battlements and towers, don't worry. I cannot be here very long without getting plenty of that stuff too.
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Little mini onions, about the width of my thumb.

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Two tourist businesses. Enjoy them while they last - season's nearly done.

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All content copyright 2013 Jeff Bulf