Sat 05.Jan.2013
Rhodes, Greece

An annual ritual is under way: The Backing Up of the Photos.
My little netbook computer is chugging away like the little engine that could, copying the past year's photos - not just the ones I've posted, all of them - to a 32GB flash drive. I think I can! I know I can! I'll have space for 2011's photos as well.
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Speaking of which, I still have a bumper crop of candidate pictures from 2012 that need to be cleared out before this year's visions can enjoy their place in the ether, so here we go.

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From the old city, you enter the San Francisco gate via a tunnel through the city wall, then traverse a battlement along the outside of the wall.

Where you hang a left to cross the moat, this inconspicuous stair is one of three ways into the moat from inside the city.

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Here come a ferry arriving from Thessaloniki, via stops at other islands. And what is it approaching?

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The last cruise ship of the year called here on the last day of the year. A quorum of shops near the tourist harbor opened up for the couple hundred passengers who came ashore to visit.

Is it really profitable to run a huge ship with so few passengers? My theory: it makes a loss, but a smaller loss than mothballing the ship for the season, or letting it's works get gunked up by sitting idle for months. If anybody actually knows, I'm interested in hearing.

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Highlights of a stroll up the moat from Manrdaki Harbor ...

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... through the tunnel into the old city by the D'Amboise Gate ...

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... past some large rain puddles before climbing the stair to the Cannon Gate and the city proper.

The past may not be dead, but we are done for now with 2012.
See you this year!

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All content copyright 2013 Jeff Bulf