Tue 29.Dec.2009
Rhodes Town, Greece
broken minaret, looking like a factory chimneypalm frond in front of mottled wall
Cement  plant? This is the circumcised minaret of the dead mosque on the square out  front.

sun and shadow on restaurant and hotel signsdefalt alt textred flower, car hood with reflection of trees
jewellry shop window in old stone wallsailboat mast reflected in water
At dusk on a winter day, without even an off-season cruise ship, most of the shops for expensive stuff that you don't really need are closed up.

Some day I'm going to post one of these wobbly  reflected masts upside-down, and let it be "an excercise for the reader" to figure it out. But as the man said, "Today is not that day."

hole in wall, looking to harbor tower and turkish mountains defalt alt text
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dried golden berries on bare tree branchelegant table settinng in shop window
modern building reflected in second floor windowllayered, angular office building
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defalt alt textwaxing moon over shell of tall gothic archway
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And so, as the city of Rhodes gets too dark for pictures at a mere 5 in the afternoon, we admit that we've done what we can, and go to retrieve our laundry from the nice laundromat people. "Self-service" is a slippery expression here, by the way.  A "self-service" laundromat usually means  they let you put your clothes into the washer, and tell  you when to come back.  When you return, your laundry is all washed, dried and folded, and in a big ol' bag ready to schlepp off.

When I told them happy new year in Greek, they beamed even more than usual. One of travel's little comforts is being a regular customer at a Greek laundromat.

Happy New Year in the language of your choice if I don't see you before then.

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Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf