Thu 29.Nov.2012
Rhodes, Greece

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Socratous Square, bustling with day visitors a month ago, is quiet now, almost contemplative.

Evening in the patio at "home". Not tonight, mind you - it is a bit cold for that right now. A few days ago, which isn't bad for late November in Europe.

Every pub should have a contented cat on the shelf. If they were all to decide to, goodness knows there are plenty of cats in the city who would volunteer.

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These two, for starters.

The city is not dead in all ways; as the summer crowds have faded, the citrus has arrived. The mandarins are flowing like orange gold, sweet, juicy, and a mere euro the kilo. The same is true of the big sweet apples that look and taste like Fujis.

At first, breakfast was muesli with two gobs of local yogurt, sliced fruit, and of course honey. That lasted a week, until I found that I had gained half a kilo. Oops.

Now, breakfast is one of those apples with local honey, usually thyme (thymari), but isn't it neat having a choice? Pine, blossom, and mixtures of them are also available. Makes it worthwhile to get out of bed.

Eat yr heart out, Paris, especially on the price of the fruit!
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At the end of November, the hibisci may not be quite as exuberant as they were back in September, but they are still holding their own.

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With the low winter sun in the sky, silhouettes of structures, rather than trees, are becoming ever-more ubiquitous.

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What would a stroll past the harbor be without taking a boatload of pictures?

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Looking outwards, and ...

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... looking downwards.

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The east side of Sophokleous Square, or perhaps just a vacant lot across the street.

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All content copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf