Mon 26.Apr.2010
Ptuj, Slovenia
Flea Market Day
default alt textcolorful pinwheel in front of wicker basketsbin of some kind of dried fruits
No kidding. The day after the little medieval theme fair, the whole pedestrian zone in the old city turned into a flea market. Local fruit, produce, handcrafts, clothing of all sorts, imitation designer watches and handbags.
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If you dance with this woman, you are braver or more desperate than I. Or perhaps you simply wear Birkenstocks less than I do.

default alt textfuzz-looking figurine in cafe window
This kachina-like figure represents Kurent, "a unique Shrovetide character of our past and present. His primary quest is to chase away the evil and introduce the good", as the Slovenia Times puts it.

Kurent plays a central part in Ptuj's  famous pre-lenten (i.e. Mardi Gras) festivities, which go by the name Kurentovanje. Here is Wikipedia in English on the subject. (I found far more references, if less useful for our purpose, in Slovene.)

People portraying kurent(s) in the festivals are completely hidden in shaggy sheepskins and decorative stuff like feathers. A quick google of "kurent" will get you pictures of them. Those costumes look well-suited (so to speak) to Central European February.

wedding party outside town hallvan with many country stickers some pictures, and C. Guevara
All this and holy matrimony too. There was a wedding going on in the town hall, with a crowd of supporters and a polka band waiting outside for them when they emerged.

This van was parked near the matrimonial getaway limo.

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With a brighter sun the last day or two, that pink wall looks pretty interesting up close.

Yes that street scene is a repeat from about a week ago. It is here to show the context of the pink wall.

swan from behind with feathers a-ruffledefault alt text
I am told that this hazy atmosphere is considered ideal weather here. When the air becomes clear, and the hills on the horizon become sharply visible, cold and rain are on the way.

Not that people  mind having the day be warm and sunny. Just keep it hazy.
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default alt textsilhouette of tree, mostly bare with many mistletoe balls

And so, as the sun etc etc...

See you next time.

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