Mon 30.May.2016
Prague, Czechia

Yow! A definitely noticable earthquke just now here in Orvieto, Italy!
Not seriously scary, but startling Who expects an earthquake in Europe?!

I have come several worlds in the few weeks since leaving Prague, but the pictures are already laid out, and goodness knows the city is always worth a look.
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Who remembers the mid-to-late 1980's, when the word wombat was a running gag and virtual mascot on Usenet? This Wombat is in the neighborhood of Vinohrady in Prague, an unexpected place to suddenly evoke old internet memories.

"Five-Star Shopping Center"
(That is what the lower line of neon says.)
Across the Moldau from Vinohrady, the bustling neighborhood of Smíchov has an unaccountably dense cluster of enormous shiny new shopping malls full of interchangeable chain stores.

Along the Moldau, between Vinohrady and Smíchov
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Pub Boat Kapitan

Prague is richer than average in these decorated European sidewalks.
On some older streets, the stone patterns spell out the name of the business fronting on them.

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Two of a group of four statuesque musicians, between the Old Town and the main station.

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Little-used now, this was the old entry hall to the main station.

Prague Mother of Cities

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One of these towers is the Powder Tower, the other is a look-alike near the musician statues. I don''t remember which tower is which in this picture.

Have I just fallen out of touch with the commercial world? I have never heard of a KFC "Orient Menu".

Old Town Square
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That is it for Prague for now.
There is much else to catch up on.

Next: Orvieto, Italy
Prev: Sleeping Cheap -- Up: Table of Contents

All content copyright 2016 Jeff Bulf