Wed 02.Dec.2009
Paleohora, Crete, Greece
Autumn's End
All of these pictures are from what turned out to be the last day of Autumn. Winter arrived last night with a boom!
That is another story for another post.
sculpture - silhouette of two men, one on a burronarrow sidewalk with arching tree. siilhouette of burro sculpture in distance
Sandy Beach.
The plaque by this sculpture say it represents a pair of travellers, and celebates Paleohora's intimate relationship with tourism, or words to that effect.

Sandy Beach is on the west side of the little peninsula. Rocky Beach is on the east side, near my room at the Skorpios Restaurant & Rooms For Rent.

small boulders sloping down to calm seaPrevention magazine. Title in English, rest in Greek
The breakwater outside my home away from home, near Rocky Beach.

This was the last time the ocean would be so smooth and murmuring; Since last night, it rolls and swells and booms.

I've seen this before when I lived near the ocean in Santa Cruz. Smooth and glassy all Summer until the first storm. Then dancing and booming until Spring.

Genuine U.S. quasi- medical woo woo in Greek

outdoor cafe with turquoise green stucco wallyellow wall blue chairs, guitarist on porch
Kafe Agios
My regular wi-fi cafe, with bright yellow walls and blue chairs on the outside. For some reason, I can only make the net connection work inside. Oh well.

lights strung over mostly dark streetlights reading "Kali Xronia"
Waadya know - New Year decorations.

Kali Xronia means Good (New) Year.

I dunno what Polla means. Xronia (Chronia) means Year.
dead tree branch in ruined venetian fortressgoats grazing in ruined venetian fortress
Inside the ruined Venetian fort atop the little hill at the tip of Paleohora's peninsula.

These goats were grazing inside the ruins. Their herder was about 50m away.

The goats were shy and curious, and friendly. Kinda sweet kids, so to speak.
sunset behind incoming storm cloudssunset behind incoming rain clouds
As the day grew later, the wind started rising. Little did I know it was the season's first storm moving in.

The wind calmed back down to breeze levels today, but it is at least 20 F colder now. The ocean no longer murmurs smooth and glassy - it booms and dances. Lightning has played among the broken clouds off and on since yesterday evening. Curiously there has been little actual rain. Betcha snow has fallen up in the White Mountains, between here and Hania.
greek letters "SNAK MPAR"sign - POTA / DRINKS et al.
English in Greek clothing. Snak Bar.

So pota means drinks! Betcha that is where potable comes from.  The stuff you learn in furrin' languages

Next: Boom of Winter
Prev: Paleohora -- index

Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf