Tue 17.Feb.2015
Nerja, Andalucia, Spain

I now have a titanium pin in my upper jaw, waiting for a crown to be set on top of it. Or on the bottom; it is an upper tooth, and so points downward. I am slogging through a week's worth of antibiotics until the stitches get removed from the gums this Thursday. I hope the rest goes quickly after that. A week later I am supposed to fly home from Madrid.
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Meanwhile, another winter week on the Costa del Sol.

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A clinic with a curious logo.

Despite the reputation of the 1960's, my experience was that this kind of social activity was more a thing of the 70's. And I don't recall anybody who even claimed to live up to 24 Hours

Does anybody who is demographically qualified - so to speak - 'fess up to remembering these kind of parties? Which would embarass you more to admit, remembering or not remembering?

Bear in mind the Fundamental Internet Privacy Policy:
If it is private, don't post it!

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One of my first days here, the weather threatened rain, so I shelled out the euros for a good, large umbrella. It worked! The rain didn't come, and even the threat went away for a week or so. I've had only one rainy day so far, and even that was intermittent. And I got a half-dozen kind of neat pictures out of it.

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Not too shabby for February in Europe! The high temperature has been in the high teens Celsius for the last few days - today must have hit 20 (68 Fahrenheit)!

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Betcha they do the boogie up there!

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Saturday was the pre-lenten Carneval parade here in Nerja. They celebrate the occasion with an exuberant costume parade. And where did the parade route go?

Right under my little hotel room balcony, that's where!

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Drummers, musicians, dancers, floats, elaborate colorful costumes of every description! A joyful noise if ever there were one! If my "box seat" had had an actual place to sit, and been a bit warmer, I'd have had nothing left to wish for.

The whole shebang took an hour and a half to process past my balcony. Half an hour later, on my way down to the Balcony of Europe plaza to sup on tapas, I caught up with the tail of the parade! Got to watch some of it a second time from my seat on a cafe terrace.

A hoot and a half, and I'm grateful I lucked in to being in the right time and place for it!

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All content copyright 2015 Jeff Bulf