Mon 10.May.2010
Marianske Lazne, Czech Republic
Sow Weather.
That leaden overcast that hangs over Bavaria and, apparently, Bohemia, for weeks on end in April and May.
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People don't let it stop them from getting out and enjoying themselves. Least of all the kids

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Tour busses. They are all around, even this early in the pre-season.

Some have curious names.
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The exterior decor gets laid on thick. It is easy to enjoy the exuberance of it.

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Sometimes a tilting camera captures the
feel of it better than strict literalism.

More stuff you couldn't make up.
From a pamphlet from the Chodvar Brewery, (including capitalization).
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In the historical cellars of the brewery hotel U Sladka *** is plased[sic] the real Beer Spa (R). It offers re-conditional spa therapy including relaxation hot baths, massages and hot packs. The hot bath includes mineral water Il sano (R), unique dark Bath beer, mixture of hops, curative herbs and beer yeast with rejuvenation effects. The procedure is aimed to harmonize organism functions as well as to provide mental relaxation.
If you feel the need to be simmered in beer and herbs, you heard it here first.

To the Woods
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Ahh... those good ol' woods, slipping their fingers into the edges of the town, like a yeast-free massage for the spirit.

One of the celebrated mineral springs, The Forest Spring, is in a wooded area next door to my hotel. I discovered it by chance, and almost busted my butt when I slipped on the wet marble floor of the little columned temple over it.

The spring itself was just a trio of stone washbasins on the walls, with taps for hot or cold. The water tasted like - surprise! - sulphurous gunk. With the right kind of eyes, it is all funny.

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