Tue 02.Nov.2021

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You can't fly directly from San Francisco to Malta, and even if you could, why would you want to miss seeing the Alps on the connecting flight from Paris?

Thanks to Covid-19, I did not get to enjoy Paris en route. Transit passengers may not leave the airport grounds. I just holed up in the Ibis Hotel at the airport, and caught up on sleep.

The Alps were a good reward for the effort!

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For a day's diversion, I rode the bus to the western end of the island, whence the car ferry leaves for Gozo. A short walk from the ferry terminal is a small bay called Ramla tal-Bir, with hotel and harbor.

Back in St Julians, Balluta Bay holds a small beach amongst the high-rises.

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Is it just me? A garish sprawling high-rise hotel with hundreds of interchangeable rooms... is that a boutique??

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St George's Square

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If they choose to put it that way...

Oh look!
We must be in London!

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Valletta City Gate

Sez Wikipedia:
The present gate, which is the fifth one to have stood on the site, was built between 2011 and 2014 to designs of the Italian architect Renzo Piano.

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All content copyright 2021 Jeff Bulf