Sun 08.May.2022
Costa Teguise
Lanzarote, Canary Islands

For the record: No canaries in the Canary Islands. The Islas Canarias were named for wild dogs that were found here. ("Canarias" is related to "canine".)

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There are actual towns on Lanzarote - we'll see some in the next page - but Costa Teguise is not one of them.

What we have here is miles of tourist villas and strip malls, and lots of signs in English.

In fact lots of British expats. The Welcome restaurant (shown here) is run by very nice Yorkshire folks. Bless their hearts!

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I said villas. What are villas? These are - miles of them. Not always obvious where one villa ends and the next starts. Not that the accomodations aren't comfortable. I feel like I am getting away with something, slipping in amidst this scene.

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Deciduous flora get short shrift on this island. This is spiky country!

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In fact, soil as we think of it is scarce here. Lanzarote is made of fresh lava. Fresh in the geological sense.

A short path leads from my lodging to the coast.

There is even a lungomare - a walkway along the lava shore over the sea. How far does it go? I checked it for a good mile or so north and south. Who knows beyond that?

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Sign Spotting
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Island Time at a cafe!

I dunno what this is talking about, and I dunno if I want to know.

Next: Towns Small and Large
Prev: Pathway in the Sky -- Up: Table of Contents

All content copyright 2022 Jeff Bulf