Sat 21.Nov.2009
Iraklio, Crete, Greece

Knossos Sorta
I rode the city bus out to the famous ancient palace complex at Knossos on Friday afternoon. Never set foot on the grounds though; they close at 3:00 pm! Why dey do dat?? By the time I arrived at quarter to, they were no longer letting people in. It would have made no sense to enter for just fifteen minutes anyway.
Greenery framing road signWhite 2-story buildings, souvenir shack
So I got to wait half an hour for the next bus back to town. The entrance to the ruins has a covered walkway lined with lush greenery. The other side of the highway has some tourist shops and cafes, and a small town behind them. I nursed a small greek coffee in front of the cafe nearest the bus stop, making sure to pay in advance so I could run across the street for the bus when it came.

Hmmm... that stop sign is in English/German, not Greek.
modern wood shelvingYA sidelighted tree
Just outside the Knossos ticket office is a wall of what look like shelves. Someplace to leave stuff while you tour the ruins? I never learned. The structure made an interesting picture though.

This eucalyptus tree, on the other hand, is back in town in Eleftherias Square, where there is also a war memorial of some sort. Today  there were soldiers and a military band holding some ceremony there.

Back in Town
Statue, WW 1 Soldiertrees and yellow column
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These two dogs in Eleftherias Square finally got close enough to make a two-dog picture, and then the small one started getting raunchy. The bigger shaggy guy gave the little one the brush-off.

These two arches near the Four Lions Square are really the same color. In fact, that is the same gallery they look in to.

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A kid yakking on a cell phone.
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The guy munching the burger is more or less directly beneath and in front of the shuttered window and nondescript - but picturesque - clutter.
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Today I went back out and visited Knossos for real. Photos probably won''t get up for a couple of days though.

I'm leaving Iraklio on a bus tomorrow morning; intended destination: Xania (Chania) at the western end of the island. My trusty Rough Guide says it is one of the most attractive cities in Crete - reason enough to go there from here.

See you there.
Next: Knossos for real.
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