Wed 27.Sep.2017
Frankfurt and Nürnberg
Imagery Date May 2017

A page of German sign-spotting today - or at least sign-spotting in Germany. Far from all of them are in German!

Frankfurt am Main
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Frankfurt is the least distinctively German place I have been in Germany. All cities have steel-and-glass skyscrapers, but here they are the city's unofficial symbol. All sorts of international food - you have to look for German food. A nice enough international city, but surprisingly few clues about what country you are in.

Speaks for itself.

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Let's hear it for restaurants that post giant menus in the window!
Frankfurt has more (and better) Asian eateries than anyplace else I know in Europe. "Better" is still not the equal of Bay Area Asian eating, but I still appreciate it, as does my budget.

Years ago when I visited Turkey, a friend briefed me that a word ending with -ler or -lar usually is plural. So today I can make an educated guess what Salatalar might be, even without the German subtitle.

Shepherd Salad
Chicken Salad

Thai food *without* gluten - no comment.
(Later: this is probably glutamate as in monosodium, not gluten.
More power to them!)

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Frankfurt Archeological Museum

Golden Wheel House

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There is something better than perfection.

Liquor store?
Jungle plants?
Not here. This turns out to be a chain cosmetics store.

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A claim to greatness.

with ...
Baked Potato

To all users of vitamin D 3 products:

Without vitamin K2 you increase the risk of arteriosclerosis and osteoporosis!

Info here in the shop:

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Don't look for it here -
Find it here!

Shopping and good living in
more than 50 shops and restaurants.
Only 10 minutes from here.

Ten minutes from here, eh?
Sounds like a good reason not to look for it here.

Rent here!

Your guess is as good as mine!

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If you are not a Tolkien fan, you can skip this picture.
If you are, welcome to Bree!

[on the window]
An empty wall at home?

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Hat Museum

Herr Brömme und das tapfere Schneiderlein
(Mr Brömme and the Brave Little Tailor)

A clothing store.

Sicilian Espresso

You can't refuse it.

Next: Homeward Bound
Prev: Plauen -- Up: Table of Contents

All content copyright 2017 Jeff Bulf