Wed 05.May.2010
Czesky Krumlov, Czech Republic

Czech Republic - what a mouthful of a name for a nice country! Would that we could do as the Germans do, and call it Czechia, but that is not really accepted in English. Try it, and you are likely to be mistaken for Chechnya. So Czech Republic it is.
Multi-storey building with intricately painted exteriorround tower behind castle building, both intricately painted

The lower wing of the castle with its round tower is irresistable to gawk at.

Most of that exterior detail is painted on or s'grafitto'd, of which more below.

panel with roman date MDCCCXCIIIdefault alt text

A relatively modern date on a building in the old town.

Whoa... grand straight lines and pathways and such like some French chateau. We must be in ...

The Castle Garden
flowery-carved vase statueTwo tourists on a bench in front of a hedge maze
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default alt textsign: mushrooming is forbidden
Got it, kids?
When you go to the castle garden, lay off the shrooms!

S'ok. The place is pretty unreal anyway.

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I found this van parked outside my building the other morning. So help me, the logo reads "The Nature-Conscious-Existence-Basket / A worthful, thoughtful gift idea." The illustration showed a gift-basket with a wine bottle and flowers.

In fairness to the Czechs, that van is in German, not Czech. In fairness to the Germans, it is parked in Bohemia, not Germany.

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There is a lot of fool-the-eye decoration on the buildings here. Some of it really is just painted shadows and features.

A lot of what looks like painted-on features turns out to be s'graffito, a technique popular also in parts of the Swiss alps.

In s'graffito, the outermost layer of paint, plaster or whatever is removed selectively to expose the (usually) darker layer of material beneath. A common and easy use of the technique is to make  bricks "protrude". More intricate decor is also possible.

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<--- Gotcha!
This one really is painted-on.

Most of the decoration on the round tower back at the biginning of this post is s'graffito.

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