Thu 14.Jan.2021
Images - France & England
2010 & 2017

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One last look at the Bayeux Cathedral
and we cross The Channel to ...

... Bournemouth, England

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A popular family beach resort on the south coast.

Wooded gullies called "chines" carry seasonal creeks to the sea.

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Moving north to Somerset and the town of
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Rhymes with "broom" -
also with "dome" in Domesday Book.

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Frome Creek.

I seem to recall some claim that Frome is "the best place to live in Somerset" - impossibly sweeping, even if the town seems perfectly nice.

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Cheddar Gorge, home to caves in which Cheddar cheese is stored.

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It says here, "Cheddar cheese traditionally had to be made within 30 mi (48 km) of Wells Cathedral", which does include both the town and the gorge of Cheddar.

Yorkshire (2017)
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After a rain in
Old York, Old York
(Forgive me; to an American, the name "York" sounds funny without "New" in front of it.)

Coming up: more England

Next: Southern England
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All content copyright 2021 Jeff Bulf