Mon 18.May.2020
Imagery 2019

The ole pandemic is still making it dangerous to travel. Some destinations are starting to open up, but no way am I getting into a plane with hundreds of random people for hours on end.

Off we go in pictures, starting with a dab of sign-spotting!

On The Road In The Heart of Europe
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Entering Slovakia
you might just be passing through.
If you are, choose the left lane for Czechia, or the right lane for Ukraine and Poland.

Leaving Vienna, this interchange offers you a choice of five countries, plus of course Vienna Airport.

Take this exit for Italy, Slovenia, and ...

... Germany!
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Signs in Nürnberg:

Good old German! A single word means Defense Against Pigeons!

And another means Pest Control

An apparently light-hearted take on stereotypes of Bavaria.
Produced in Franconia. Hm...

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Apple Thief Cider
'Nuff said!

The light-hearted,
Nürnberg City Beach.

Woods and Fountains et al
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If I am real good in this life, perhaps I'll earn a favor in the next: one photo that actually does justice to Nürnberg's Beautiful Fountain.
Here is a detail of it.

Father and Son, the well-loved local icons of Plauen, in Saxony.

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I thought I was well-acquainted with Plauen. It isn't that big a city. To my surprise, I discovered a huge city park last summer. Lakes, woods, play- and picnic areas, trails and paths for walking. A treat!

Even lupines!

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Next: Hooptedoodle
Prev: Coming Full Circle -- Up: Table of Contents

All content copyright 2020 Jeff Bulf