Mon 19.Aug.2024
Bratislava SK
Rhodes GR

Modern Bratislava
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The residential borough of Ruzinov. Vast areas of Bratislava look just like this. The building style is called Panelaky. I spent a few nights out here in July, I think in one of these buildings.

These neighborhoods are more resident-friendly than they look at first. The panelaky are arranged in clusters, each of which has playgrounds, convenience stores, etc. They are well-maintained, predominantly middle-class neighborhoods, not the sort of "projects" that we think of when we see high-rise slabs.

The novelty is starting to wear off the improbable mall that has replaced the old bus station. I still hang out here some, because there are comfortable chairs to sit and read, and a convenient food court for when I am done.
Some of the reading chairs are attached to cafes, if I want a coffee or snack. In the hot Summer afternoons, limonady (fruit juice drinks) substitute for coffee.

Writing on the Wall
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Premises closed; not clear if for work or if the business is defunct. The writing has since been wiped to be mostly illegible.

Humans Lack Humanity
The wall opposite my regular corner cafe near home.

Hviezdoslav Square, in the Old City
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The old Slovak National Theater building, aka Opera (The actual National Theater has moved to new quarters in a larger, plainer building.)

These misty arches, scattered aroud town, are a welcome treat in the hot Central European Summer.

Down by the River
The "Beautiful Blue Danube" almost never really looks this blue.

A Greek Getaway
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It has been another adventurous summer, most of it north of the Alps. Two things nag at my mind. First, it might be nice to see Rhodes in its hyper-alive Summer, and say a brief hi to my people there, before returning to California for September.

Second, my best estimate is that I will run out of insulin about a week before I am home to replenish it. Oops!

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In Slovakia, you don't just ask the corner pharmacist for insulin. You need a prescription from a Slovakian doctor, who of course must first accept you as a patient, and verify you really are diabetic. Could be done, but it sounds intimidating.

You don't just pop over to Vienna for it either - same rules apply there.

OTOH, my regular pharmacist in Rhodes has known me for years (and has lots of experience getting me diabetic supplies).

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So... two birds with one stone - a three-day getaway to Rhodes.

In Summer season, there are several direct flights daily from Vienna - no connecting at Athens! (Yay!)

Friends is friends! It is good to see them all, whatever their age, sex, or species!

(Photo credit to my friend Malene)

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The medieval moat around the Old City. Littered with 750-lb granite mortar balls from the Siege of 1522, which ended in the Ottoman Empire taking Rhodes, and the Knights Of Rhodes re-locating to become the Knights Of Malta.

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All content copyright 2024 Jeff Bulf