Sat 29.Jun.2019
Bratislava, Slovakia

Hey - remember these? Pictures of rambling, and ramblings with pictures.

Where am I?
Bratislava, Slovakia.
Finally settled down for long enough to think about picture pages. It has been a hectic April, May, and part of June. We'll get to them in upcoming pages. For now, here are the first of this year's Slovakia pix, with a few at the end from the fragmented road that got me here..
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Green Mars
The trees at this end of Hviezdoslav Square
have grown over the ten years I've been coming here.
The Martians are getting harder to see all the time,
unless you walk right down to the river bank.

Horsky Park is still my favorite venue for walking.
The twenty-minute bus ride up to it means I don't go more than once
a week or so, but I love the place.

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Sing a sad sweet song for a friendly, unpretentious net cafe in a lesser corner of the Old City. The unpolished gem of Klariska Street. Klar-i-net outlived its market window, I think. Before everybody had their own mobile phones, a coffee-and-computers shop made great sense. Even with my own phone, I used Klar-i-net for printing pages. I had hoped my Slovak vocabulary would be good enough this year to read CD's on their computers - both VLC and Windows Media Player have menus in Slovak or Czech. My laptop doesn't have a CD/DVD drive, and I keep finding rare music at a store in Vienna.

R.I.P. Guys!

Klar-i-net will be
from June 1, 2019

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This guardsman has been at his post in Main Square ever since I started coming here. I just this week noticed the plaque(s) on the side of his hut. Has that always been there?

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At the mall

The Corridor of Doctor Caligari.

Who can resist gaudy mall colors viewed through a fountain?

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Closer to home

My little slug buddies are still here.
I missed them the year they were gone!

Those are their noses down in the corner.

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Two sculptures, both open to interpretation.

This goose fountain ... I really need to come back when the light makes it clearer what is going on. Or maybe not. Warning: contains strong doses of whimsy and raunch!

I dunno what this is intended to represent. It looks to me like a petrified brontosaur stool.

Sights from the road on the journey here.
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It's Duck Season!

In Spain ...

... in Nuernberg ...

... and Nuernberg again!

And from Czechia
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The West Bohemian spa town of Franzensbad (the old German name - I am not going to copy/paste weird Czech letters for just one picture!) ... the town is surrounded by woods with walking trails, sprinkled with mineral springs.

Prague, a shaft of light after a rain. You can't beat Prague!

I plan on actual pages from most of the places
I've been the last couple of months.
No promises until they actually get here.

Next: Bohemian Spa Town
Prev: Here Came The Sun -- Up: Table of Contents

All content copyright 2019 Jeff Bulf