Tue 14.Aug.2012
Bratislava, Slovakia

The River Park
Bratislava castle sits on a hill above the River Danube, not steep enough to be a bluff, but enough to narrow development along the river for a few km to the west of the city center. There was a famous yeshiva here once, now removed, nominally because of danger of erosion.

Today, the north bank from the New Bridge to the Lafranconi Bridge, about 5 km west, is a low key riverfront park and promenade. Trams stop at both bridges, and two places in between. There are mini-malls, playgrounds, scenic views, a floating hotel, and more.

I rode to one of the tram stops, strolled further out, then back to town along a road part way up on Castle Hill.
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I should really have looked at the base of this sculpture to see any plaque it may have had explaining what it depicts. I didn't even think of it; I was too distracted by the photo opportunities in it. Thanks to my 20-20 hindsight, you are all free to make up any tale you find entertaining.

To me, it evokes an old logic puzzle about a farmer with a goat, a cabbage, and a wolf. Work in a Roman - or perhaps Trojan - soldier, and there you are.

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Today's Language Fun
I just now learned the Slovak word for cheapo plastic safety razor: žiletka.
-ka is just a grammatical ending; the root is pronounced like a Frenchman would say Gillette. O-ohh... OK.
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I've been having a difficult time trying to buy such a thing. Drugstores have said no they don't have them. It turns out that the word I have been asking for, britva, means old-fashioned straight razor. Oops! Well, it was the only razor in either of my pocket dictionaries. Danged Langenscheidt had nothing at all on the subject.

I finally just now asked the waiter here at my wi-fi cafe/bookstore, whose English is way better than my Slovak. He's a nice young guy to boot.

Another day in the life.

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A lady in waiting for a tram toward the Center of town.

A view over a deceptively narrow-looking Danube.

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After the intro, there turned out to be less to say about that excursion than I had thought.

'Twas a nice stroll though, ending up back at the New Bridge, yes, with yet another martian picture. I cut that and some other images to lighten the load on this page. They are candidates for the next post.

Next: Short Time in Slovakia
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Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf